LOCATION: Los Angeles, CA
PRICE: $3,995,000
SIZE: 5,810 square feet, 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms
YOUR MAMAS NOTES: Kate Walsh, the ginger haired Grey's Anatomy alum who now has her own spin off program on the boob-toob called Private Practice, was recently divorced from studio executive turned producer Alex Young. Dee-vorce is never pretty but, oh children, was it ever ugly between these two star-crossed lovers.
According to heaps and hordes of reports in the tabs and gossip glossies, Miz Walsh was ordered to fork over a one-time payment of $627,000 to Mister Young who, so the story goes, asked for spousal support even though he himself makes a fat salary. He didn't get the alimony but he was granted half of Miz Walsh's earnings during the short period of time they were engaged. Considering that Miz Walsh makes a lot of damn money, it looks like Mister Young is a newly minted millionaire thanks to his brief betrothal to his former sugar momma Miz Walsh. Didn't these two draw up a damn pre-nup? The dee-vorce dee-cree left Miz Walsh with ownership of a piano and the couple's home in Los Angeles. The remainder of the couples material assets were to be divided by–are you ready for this kiddies–alternating picks after flipping a coin to see who chooses first. They were both, Your Mama types with flabbergast and awe, issued restraining orders meant to keep them from harassing each other. Jeezis.
Soon after Miz Walsh had signed the papers that officially and legally made her a single ladee again, she quietly listed the couple's once happy home in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles with an asking price of $3,995,000. Miz Walsh must have really wanted to sell her house because according to prop records and previous reports, she and ex-Mister Walsh paid considerably more for the grande Spanish casa back in July of 2007, a heart stopping and bank account busting $755,000 more to be exact.
Property records and listing information shows the walled and gated residence with its arched windows, balconies and rotunda entry was built in 1928 and measures 5,810 square feet. According to a recent puff piece on celebrity homes in InStyle magazine, Miz Walsh was so smitten with the bedroom of her television character on Private Practice that after she and ex-Mister Walsh bought the house she hired set decorator Melissa Levander to help her do up their new digs in a manner meant to, "mix 20th century design with French and Spanish antiques–and not have it look like a garage sale!"
Altogether there are, according to listing information, 5 bedrooms and 6 poopers on the property including 4 bedroom suites on second level of the main house that each have their own private pooper. The master suite features dual walk-in closets, a fireplace and a day-core evocative of glammy 1940s hotel suite done in a monochromatic palette with tons of textures and tactile moments.
Located to the left of the entry, the large living room features a fireplace and arched French doors on three sides and that matte black grand piano that Miz Walsh was granted in the dee-vorce. We're not sure why there is a vintage gee-tar leaning up against the sensually curving milk chocolate couch but given that one room of the Walsh residence is–or at least was–filled with musical instruments including a drum set and more gee-tars, Your Mama assumes that either Miz Walsh or ex-Mister Walsh fancies their self a bit of an amateur musician.
The dining room is furnished with a square, glass topped dining table that seats two people on each side and the kitchen is kitted out with dark wood cabinetry, Spanish tile floors, a slew of high-grade stainless steel appliances. The children will note a huge pot rack hangs right over the damn sink. Lo-ward have mercy, Your Mama would be a nervous wreck standing at that sink knowing that with even the slightest tremor, that thing could come crashing down and entangle us is clanking sea of Calphalon.
The kitchen is open to the family room and other rooms in the Walsh residence include a den/media room, a breakfast room that could be put to use as an office, a wine room, a home gym set up stocked with all sorts of those torturous and trendy Pilates machines, and an upstairs laundry–a set up that would cause our imperious but somewhat lazy house gurl Svetlana to weep with joy knowing that she'd no longer have to schlep Your Mama and the Dr. Cooter's sheets and underpants down and up stairs.
The back yard contains a swimming pool and spa, an adjacent pool house that includes a pooper so that no one need track chlorinated water into the main house, an outdoor fireplace and cooking center, and an al fresco dining area. Tucked up into the corner created by the living room and family room–or whatever that room is with the Eames lounger and all the arched French doors is–a gorgeous bougainvillea bush climbs up the side of the house and the brilliant red of the flower marvelously complements the bright orange fabric covering the cushions on the patio furniture. Listen chickadees, Your Mama loves us some stripes and we adore a decorative pillow just as much as anyone else, but too much is too much and we'd bet dollars to do-nuts that just as soon as Miz Walsh and her friends sit down for a late afternoon cocktail and bitch-fest, every single one of those orange jelly-roll pillows just ends up on the ground collecting filth.
Recent reports indicate Miz Walsh has already moved on to a new man–that would be hunky underwater stunt expert Neil Andrea–and given that we hear through the Los Feliz real estate grapevine that her former house of wedded bliss in Los Feliz is already in escrow Your Mama imagines she'll soon have a new house too. That means, of course, that set decorator Melissa Levander is likely to get hired for another side job doing up Miz Walsh's new bachelorette pad.
source: Rose + Chang
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