LOCATION: Lyric Avenue, Los Angeles, CA
PRICE: $1,448,000 (currently off-market)
SIZE: 2,4,84 square feet, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms
DESCRIPTION: ...This is an example of sheer perfection featuring: Ample natural light, open flr plan, den/media room, dramatically over sized cstm wdws, 3 frplcs, 2 balc w/ stunning NW views, 2 patios, terraced bckyd, 25 ft ceilings, NEW systems, cstm kitchen, hdwd flrs, lndry rm, pre0-wired for sound, internet ready, dir access from grge, finished bonus space (not incld in st ft – 40 x 15).
YOUR MAMAS NOTES: Listen puppies, Your Mama has been bitten by the flu bug so we're going to try to get out a discussion between our too frequent trips to the terlit. Please have a bit of patience with us while we try to mend up so that we can jump into the celebrity real estate saddle as soon as possible. In the meantime you're just going to have to make do with this admitedly anemic discussion.
Back in mid-February, Your Mama received a covert communique from Mister Dave over at Celebrity Address Aerial who pointed our nosy nose towards a house in the Franklin Hills area of Los Angeles owned by actress Parminder Nagra which had been recently listed at $1,448,000.
Although Ms. Nagra did all sorts of television and stage work early in her career, she shot to fame in the film Bend It Like Beckham back in 2002. Shortly after, she was hired by the producers of hospital drama E.R. where she remains one of the Emmy winning programs leading ladies. Of course, everyone who knows Your Mama knows that we don't care for hospital dramas so if truth be told, we wouldn't know Ms. Nagra if she walked right up to us wearing scrubs and carrying a script.
Property records show Ms. Nagra picked up this house on Lyric Avenue in September of 2007 when she forked over $870,000 for the 2,484 square foot house. At the time the house was a real fixer and, from the looks of things, Ms. Nagra spent a few dollars giving the place a make over.
Given that Ms. Nagra has owned a house in the Laurel Canyon area of Los Angeles since September of 2004, it's unclear to Your Mama if the British born boob-toober ever intended to live in this house in the Franklin Hills or if, like so many others in early and mid-2007, she bought it to get into the property flipping business.
Whatever the case, the house was listed in mid-July 2008 where it lingered without a buyer until the end of January of 2009 when it was taken off the market. The 4 bedroom and 3 bathroom quasi-contemporary was last listed at $1,484,000. Had she sold the house anywhere near the asking price, Ms. Nagra would have pocketed around half a million clams for her flip. But alas...
Now then, let's look beyond insipid and uninspired day-core, which we'd bet our long bodied bitches Linda and Beverly is staging, because otherwise we'd have to discuss the perplexing preponderance of beige and brown micro-suede furniture and those disturbing duck figurines tucked up under the sink in the master bathroom. Quite frankly, Your Mama just don't have the stomach for that today.
Listing information shows the living room has a fireplace, very high ceilings and a large, not quite right acrhed window the opens to a narrow terrace overlooking the street. The dining area and newly renovated kitchen with boring black granite counters also share the same lofty ceiling as the living room. A family room area sits half a flight up, has a second fireplace and a large opening where Rapunzel can throw down her hair to someone in the living room below.
The master bedroom boasts a high peaked ceiling and a wall of windows that open to a roof terrace with outdoor fireplace and lovely views over the tree tops. Your Mama genuinely hopes the sliding doors in the master bedroom are not the only point of exit from the house to the terrace because no one needs guests traipsing through the master bedroom and getting a good look at where all the magic happens, or as the unfortunate case may be for some couples, does not happen.
Listing information indicates that in addition to the terraces, the back yard is terraced to take full advantage of its up slope, new systems have been installed (which we think means new electric and plumbing) and the house is pre-wired for sound and internet. Somewhere in the house is a 600 square foot bonus room not included in the square footage on file with the County of Los Angeles that can be used for any number of uses including a home theater, a home gym, a home office or perhaps an illegal gambling parlor or s/m dungeon.
Presumably, this house will either be put back on the market at a reduced price of put out for lease until the market stabilizes and Ms. Nagra can recoup her investment. We shall see.
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