BUYER: Saul and Perla Hudson
LOCATION: Clerendon Road, Beverly Hills, CA
PRICE: $8,985,000 (asking)
DESCRIPTION: Within the prestigious guard-gated enclave of Mulholland Estates resides this striking Tuscan inspired villa which offers the finest in estate living. A true entertainers dream come true with such upgrads as 4 dishwashers, 4 ovens, 2 SubZeros, 2 additional refrigerated drawers, 2 kitchen center islands, climate-controlled wine cellar, game room, theater and more! Relax beneath the covered loggia w/ fireplace, custom heating and lighting system, lush landscaping and enchanting vistas.
YOUR MAMAS NOTES: Since it was written about in such places as the Hot Properties column in the Los Angeles Times way back in October of 2008, it's certainly not news that Colleen Maloof listed her mansion in the guard gated Mulholland Estates community which sits high in the hills above Beverly Hills and is, technically, part of Sherman Oaks. It's also no secret among real estate people who push property in the Platinum Triangle that the "Tuscan inspired villa" recently went into escrow and vanished from the public pages of the MLS.
For those who do not know, Miz Maloof is the well to do widow of big time booze distributor George Maloof and the mother of Joe, Gavin, George Jr., Phil and Adrienne Maloof who together run The Maloof Companies, a diversified family business that distributes booze, owns the Sacramento Kings professional basketball team, owns several hotels and casinos including The Palms in Las Vegas, produces some reality tee-vee programs such as the jaw droppingly horrific Living Lohan, and holds a huge amount of shares in banking behemoth Wells Fargo.
Anyhoo, as it turns out, the identity of the big name buyer of Miz Maloof's mansion was recently revealed to Your Mama. Early last week we were chit-chatting with the impossibly well informed Nelly Knowsitall who off-handedly mentioned that the heavily worked over Widow Maloof was selling her house to heavy metal guitar maestro Saul Hudson, otherwise known as Slash.
Mister Slash has been fodder for all the real estate gossips for quite some time. Y'all will recall that in 2007 he sued a real estate agent for misrepresenting the number of parking spaces at a house he purchased (and has since sold) in the Hollywood Hills. Your Mama had long been hearing whispers and real estate rumors that Mister Slash and his wifey Perla had sold their Studio City house and were rooting around for new digs. In fact, several months ago we heard from a talkative tipster who whispered in Your Mama's big ol' ear that the Hudsons were buying British pop star Robbie Williams' Mulholland Estates mansion.
That information has turned out to be a bunch of hooey. However, for what it's worth, Mister Williams' mansion does sit directly across the street from The Widow Maloof's mansion. It's also next door to the house boob-toob bench warmer Judge Greg Mathis has on the market for $5,900,000 and just a few doors down from Paris Hilton house, which probably isn't much of a selling point for many multi-million dollar buyers but clearly did not bother Mister and Mrs. Hudson. Other rich and famous inhabitants of the Mulholland Estates community includes Vanna White, Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller, and billionaire Tom Gores who happens to be trying to unload a monstrous piece of vacant land in Bel Air for a bank account busting $65,000,000.
But we digress...again. Property records show Miz Maloof forked over eight million clams for her "Tuscan inspired villa" in February of 2006 and listing information we obtained shows that she first listed the 10,971 square foot manse in May of 2008 with a rather optimistic asking price of $13,995,000. Miz Maloof soon got serious about selling and chopped the asking price to $10,200,000 and then got even more serious and slashed the asking price to $8,985,000 before it was, according to Miz Knowsitall, snatched up by Mister and Missus Slash who have yet to close on the property.
Listing information shows the house measures a hefty 10,971 square feet and includes 7 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms. Other amenities in the three story residence include an entrance hall designed to impress the guests and the Chinese food delivery man, a formal living room with disturbingly off-center cabinetry surrounding the fireplace, a formal dining room, game room, temperature controlled wine cellar, a home thee-ay-ter with puffy,crap colored leather recliners, and a colossal kitchen that opens to the breakfast and family rooms and features two work islands, two SubZero refrigerators, 4 overns and 4 damn dishwashers. That's right, four.
The modestly sized backyard entertainment areas includes a lounging loggia with an outdoor fireplace, a patch of grass for the pooches, a simple rectangular swimming pool and spa, a built in barbecue center and a view of a bunch of palm trees.
In addition to Mama Maloof, a couple of the Maloof children have recently put their Los Angeles estates on the market including Phil whose Bev Hills house was first listed at $16,995,000 and is currently listed at a much lower $10,865,000, and Joe whose Brentwood bedsit is currently listed at $4,200,000, reduced from $4,995,000.
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