Well, guess what children? Your Mama was right. Well, actually, our wonderfully gabby informant Nelly Knowsitall was right. We just shushed her always on target gossip down the grapevine.
Anyhoo, the Stiller's Castilian Drive compound in the Outpost Estates neighborhood has just today officially landed on the market with an asking price of–you guessed it–$12,500,000. Told you so. In addition to the lush and lavish landscaping that listing information says "rival the Bel Air Hotel," there are two separate houses on the property as well as a detached 1 bedroom guest house. Altogether, according to listing information, the property contains 10 bedrooms and 11 poopers which ought to be plenty of room for some rich polygamists or a wildly wealthy and unhappily married couple who prefer not to live together but want to stay together for the children resulting in the complete obliteration of the psychic well being of the children.
But we digress. We haven't an iota if Mister and Missus Stiller will stay in Los Angeles or if their plans are to set up house in New York City where records and reports from the fall of 2008 indicate they forked over a panty-twisting $10,000,000 (or so) for dee-luxe digs in the same Riverside Drive building where Mister Stiller's parents Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara live.
Now listen chickens, don't none of you people get the stoopid idea to hop in your hoopdies and head on up to the Outpost Estates and cruise buy hoping to catch a glimpse of Mister Stiller. Save your gas and dignity because this property is walled, gated and well secured and there ain't nuthin' to see but a big ol' hedge. Plus, we can assure you the very last way to ingratiate yourself with Mister Stiller is to roll by his house in your Honda, shouting his name and flashing your naughty bits.
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